Pioneers Values


NEW VISION gives boys and girls a broad-based education in which they strive for excellence and aim for the highest standards in their sporting and co-curricular activities.


It provides a structured and challenging academic education within a disciplined and supportive environment which enables pupils to develop into responsible men and women of integrity who can take their place confidently in a rapidly changing world. The School provides the best possible resources and facilities for teaching and learning.

NEW VISION gives boys and girls a broad-based education in which they strive for excellence and aim for the highest standards in their sporting and co-curricular activities. It provides a structured and challenging academic education within a disciplined and supportive environment which enables pupils to develop into responsible men and women of integrity who can take their place confidently in a rapidly changing world. The School provides the best possible resources and facilities for teaching and learning.

It aims to be a first-class school in which children are prepared for the best local, regional and international universities and to positions of leadership in all walks of life. NEW VISION provides a challenging and stimulating environment for pupils from diverse international backgrounds who benefit from an education which is British in its principles and practices. At NEW VISION, all are valued equally and encouraged to fulfill their aspirations and potential.